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Can You Trust a Trucker To Tell the Truth After Your Wreck?

With so much at stake, the chances are no better that even the liable trucker will tell the truth after an expensive accident. Not only can they be fired, but it could also be tough for them to get another driving job after costing their previous employer enormous damage due to their negligence. Sometimes the transport company will try to get out in front of things and throw the driver “under the truck” by quickly firing them outright. Then, they try to evade the respondeat superior or lessen their negligence in other slippery ways. More info on this website
The truck driver knows his head’s in a noose after a wreck and does everything possible to deflect the blame in any direction other than his (or hers). To them and everyone else on their side, you look like a pretty good fall guy. If this driver has been in previous wrecks, it’s possible to lose either his state trucking driver’s license or his DOT certification. If that happens, this now (former) trucker has to find a new line of work. With high unemployment in the U.S., the temptation for that driver to lie, cheat or behave dishonestly to save their job cannot be ignored since that driver risks losing the paycheck supporting his or her family.

After suffering an injury in a trucking accident in which the truck driver claimed that our client was driving with his lights off at night, our investigators quickly examined the scene. They discovered a security camera outside a convenience store pointed directly at its parking lot and the accident scene behind it. The video clearly showed our client’s headlights shining brightly. We proved that the truck driver boldly lied. Witnesses and defendants can lie or callously misrepresent critical facts in trucking accident cases. We see it all the time. Our Law Office knows how to uncover the lies and counter them with the truth to stop witness misrepresentations. Over the past 20 years, we have conducted thousands of accident investigations, gotten to the bottom of them, and won fair and just compensation for our clients by shining the light on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of your tractor-trailer accident.